Live Your Peak

Are you living with purpose, coasting on auto-pilot, or living from crisis to crisis? Each one of us has peak potential, but very few of us accept the challenge to be the best version of ourselves possible. We live with decisions we made years ago (or accepted by...

Succeeding with ADD

Several of my relatives could be textbook examples, and I guess I’d long suspected I had some of the tendencies of ADD. Maybe that’s why I found myself crammed against the back wall in a packed SXSW session entitled “Tools and Processes for ADD...

Tag Along to SXSW

Back for my sophomore trip, it’s hard to believe it’s been a year since my first visit to SXSW. Holly and I couldn’t have dreamed that we would attend one session that would forever change the direction of our company, Neovia Solutions. When we...

Recipe Magic: Protein Pizza

When I first gave up bread and dairy in December, I really looked forward to “cheat day” on Saturday. At precisely 11:00am, I’d go online to and order my thin crust Memphis BBQ Chicken Pizza. It was my heaven on a plate. And then I kept...

The New Breakfast of Champions: Paleo Pancakes

Move over oatmeal and Wheaties. A new breakfast champion has been crowned. Need caffeine to get going? Can’t wait for lunch? Or struggle to get through the 2:00pm crash? If so, I dare you to try this pancake recipe for a week and see if you don’t feel tons...

My New Standing Desk

When I moved into my new office at the Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center, I decided I wanted to do something different. I thought about a treadmill desk. But after comparing expenses and levels of complexity, I decided a standing desk would be a better start. My...

The Evolution of My Eating

When I woke up on May 7, 2009, I knew I would never forget the day. I would be turning 30 in June, and I felt more like 80. I knew changes were needed, and it was time. I could not bear to wait another day. And so it began . . . Much of that change centered around my...

Blog Roundtable: Procrastination

Last week, I announced a blog roundtable on the subject of procrastination. Encouraged by healthy debate on Facebook and Twitter and a number of folks that said they wanted to share their opinion, off we went. Here are the entries: Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’...

Procrastination: The Greatest Thief of All

I still remember the thrill. I had a project that recurred monthly, and with each successive month, I’d leave myself a little less time to complete it. Time after time, usually with only minutes to spare, I’d finish. I felt on top of the world. I was...