Embrace Every Day

Daily. There’s something about that word. It’s powerful, intimidating almost. Yet it’s comfortable too, stable. Somehow, I find myself both embracing it and rejecting it. People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing...

Recipe Magic: Protein Pizza

When I first gave up bread and dairy in December, I really looked forward to “cheat day” on Saturday. At precisely 11:00am, I’d go online to Dominos.com and order my thin crust Memphis BBQ Chicken Pizza. It was my heaven on a plate. And then I kept...

The New Breakfast of Champions: Paleo Pancakes

Move over oatmeal and Wheaties. A new breakfast champion has been crowned. Need caffeine to get going? Can’t wait for lunch? Or struggle to get through the 2:00pm crash? If so, I dare you to try this pancake recipe for a week and see if you don’t feel tons...

My New Standing Desk

When I moved into my new office at the Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center, I decided I wanted to do something different. I thought about a treadmill desk. But after comparing expenses and levels of complexity, I decided a standing desk would be a better start. My...