by Kendra Kinnison | Sep 9, 2014 | Leadership, Peak Performance
I think I’ve stumbled upon an unlikely ally in this journey of life. As I look back, it’s been supporting me for decades, but I didn’t always recognize it. And now, as I seek it out more frequently, its assistance is even more powerful. This unlikely friend is...
by Kendra Kinnison | Aug 26, 2014 | Peak Performance
When metal corrodes, it’s obvious. The tiny speckles of brownish-orange emerge, growing larger over time, and eventually prohibiting any movement. When habits or skills erode, the effect is the same, but the warning signs aren’t nearly as visible. As...
by Kendra Kinnison | Aug 19, 2014 | Peak Performance
On our journeys, sometimes the paths are clear and lit for miles and miles. And sometimes it feels as if thick fog has rolled in, obscuring all but inches ahead. Uncertainty turns to anxiety, eventually to fear, and then an instinctual urge to turn back or hunker...
by Kendra Kinnison | Aug 12, 2014 | Tech Tools, Writing
June was packed with planning a conference and completing my annual CPE, but with July came the freedom to dig into my Reading List. Of the two dozen or so books I’ve read recently, there were a few I knew I had to share. I picked this book off a discount rack, and...
by Kendra Kinnison | Aug 5, 2014 | Peak Performance
In his recent podcast, Michael Hyatt recounts a harrowing memory of being caught in a riptide while snorkeling and drifting significantly away from the shore. He recalls how he and his wife collapsed on the beach after swimming with all their might to get back to...
by Kendra Kinnison | Jul 29, 2014 | Peak Performance
Annie Dillard succinctly said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” And I love how Todd Henry expands the question to frame it up perfectly, “Imagine for a moment that you will have a guest accompanying you throughout your...
by Kendra Kinnison | Jul 22, 2014 | Peak Performance
Somewhere along the way, success became linked with comforts. Palatial houses, luxury cars, gourmet foods, the finest threads. All in the name of making us more happy or fulfilled. But they’re often simply modern-day salves, taking the sting out of an otherwise...
by Kendra Kinnison | Jan 9, 2014 | Podcasts
In this episode of the Habit Chef Podcast, I’ll replay the foundational episode that explains how to ensure you achieve your goals. By implementing your own Daily March, you can prevent both slacking off and burning out. Click here to play the podcast in a new...
by Kendra Kinnison | Jan 1, 2014 | Peak Performance, Podcasts
In this episode, I’m delighted to share a conversation with LIFT App CEO and Co-Founder, Tony Stubblebine. He’ll share powerful insights on behavior design and how you can apply those principles in your own life. In particular, Tony explains the science...
by Kendra Kinnison | Dec 24, 2013 | Podcasts
In today’s episode, we’ll explore why being weird is so important. It’s the second part of a series that will walk you through how to have a new life in the new year. Last week, we shared why habits are more effective than goals or resolutions. And...
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