Update: Year-End Fitness Challenge

Back in early December, I decided to make a final push towards my 2010 fitness goals. I’d maintained throughout the year, but hadn’t necessarily improved – according to the most obvious metric: weight. I started the year right at 150 lbs. (after...

2010 in Pictures

As I looked through my albums, I realized that my most memorable experiences of the year were often encapsulated perfectly with a picture. Instead of a written recap, I thought I’d share a visual one. Here are some of my boldest memories of 2010 (minus the ones...

Reality Check

“You carry it well.” I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard those words since Friday. Almost unanimously, that’s been the response when I’ve showed someone my DXA Scan results. I’ve decided it must be like hearing, “You...

My Year-End Challenge: 16 lbs. & 28 days

Last Friday, my autographed advance copy of The 4 Hour Body (affiliate link for pre-order) arrived in my PO Box. I can’t put into words how excited I was to start flipping the pages (after I wrestled it away from my husband). If you’re a nerd and a jock,...

Bridge Jumping

I spent yesterday evening at the 40th stop of Chris Guillebeau’s Unconventional Book Tour in Houston, meeting new people and soaking up their exciting pursuits of purpose. But there was one analogy Chris used that stuck with me on the entire four hour drive...

Why Bootcamps?

Over the last few months, I’ve shifted almost exclusively to bootcamp-style workouts. Inevitably, I get two questions: – What the heck does that mean? – Why? First, the former. Every bootcamp is different, but they all generally utilize the...

NaNoWriMo: Day 10

On day one, I was filled with optimistic enthusiasm. Then the reality of life set in. I go from 5am to 9pm at full steam pretty much every day. Where exactly was I going to squeeze in uninterrupted writing time? Somewhere inside, I think I knew that was going to be a...

NaNoWriMo: Day 1

The idea of writing of book popped in my head about 18 months ago, and it’s never let go. I have a story I feel like I’m supposed to share. But writing is hard – at least that kind of sustained writing. I’ll start and make progress for a few...