Live Empty. Daily.

Annie Dillard succinctly said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” And I love how Todd Henry expands the question to frame it up perfectly, “Imagine for a moment that you will have a guest accompanying you throughout your...

Excellence Is a Choice

Somewhere along the way, success became linked with comforts. Palatial houses, luxury cars, gourmet foods, the finest threads. All in the name of making us more happy or fulfilled. But they’re often simply modern-day salves, taking the sting out of an otherwise...
Setting Your Pace for the New Year

Setting Your Pace for the New Year

In this episode of the Habit Chef Podcast, I’ll replay the foundational episode that explains how to ensure you achieve your goals. By implementing your own Daily March, you can prevent both slacking off and burning out. Click here to play the podcast in a new...