Announcing Habit Helper

Announcing Habit Helper

I’ve shared before about how I sometimes feel like God talks to me in stereo, using the people around me to repeat a similar message over and over again. I suppose he knows better than anyone that I need to be a better listener. This time, though, I think I did...
What Do You Practice?

What Do You Practice?

I’ve read countless quotes extolling the power of our thoughts, and certainly, they’re important. But not nearly as important as the habits we practice. This is because a small change in our habits can quickly translate into a huge change in our thoughts....
How To Find Your Secret Treasure

How To Find Your Secret Treasure

I’m a planner. I enjoy the process of mapping out a project, finding the milestones, and then tracking the progress each step of the way. If I have a hobby, it’s likely geeking out with the latest project management and planning tools. Around the first of...
Why You Can't Be Normal

Why You Can't Be Normal

Time and time again, I’m reminded that a purpose-driven life requires one key sacrifice: giving up normal. Even when I’m not seeking them, I see examples of this principle everywhere. (Guess there’s something to that cliche about the master appearing...