WOD #1

Welcome to the Wisdom WOD – workout of the day. (That’s a term borrowed from the CrossFit community, and I think it’s a great framework for what we’re doing too.)

After all, that’s what the Proverbs are all about – gaining wisdom for our daily lives. Tomorrow, we’ll learn why that’s so important.

Today, we’ll focus on how the course works. Read the section below for three quick tips.

To a fruitful 2013,


3 Tips to Making the Most of This Course

  • Ruzuku Basics: Each weekday, you’ll get access to a new step (shown in the Course Outline and in the upper left corner of your screen). Each step contains a series of activities to complete and check-off. (These activities are represented by the dots underneath the step title).
  • To complete an activity, select the green “complete this activity” button in the upper right corner.
  • Every weekday, you’ll get an email from Ruzuku prompting you to complete the day’s workout (which will include reading material, verses, quotes, affirmations, and sometimes short videos).

Don’t forget to mark this activity as complete (in the upper right-hand corner) once you’re done reading!

Today’s Quote:

People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” – Zig Ziglar

Today’s Affirmation:

I know I am called for great works, and I will choose to be diligent in the pursuit of excellence.

Today’s Verse:

2 Timothy 1:7

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline.